Simply Strengthen, Stretch & Relax

Simply Strengthen, Stretch & Relax

A relaxing evening class to strengthen your body, explore flexibility and stretch out tight areas holding niggly tension or muscle soreness.

Breathe, ease, relax and enjoy giving your self time to really feel into your stretches, creating flexibility, space and inner calm both physically and mentally.

  • A great class to complement many sporting activities.
  • Improve posture, reduce tension from repetitive movements at work.
  • Improve range of movement post injury.
  • Reduce stress or fatigue both mentally and physically.


  • Simply Strengthen, Stretch & Relax –  £60 for a block of 6 sessions or £12 drop in.

Book your class now

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Enrolment and participant agreement

Before you take part in a class we will need you to download and fill in our Enrolment Form and Participant Agreement 2021 and email it back to us at

Class Timetable

Check back for infomation.

The benefits to buying a package, or class pass!

You are more likely to attend and have commitment to helping yourself get better and keep more consistently active

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